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Love Forever

How we personally connect with people not only impacts in a moment but may linger for years. Love is a living legacy. Love’s cost to us personally may be small or great. Love’s value, priceless. Love’s reach, immeasurable. Love’s impact, everlasting. All of which are exactly what makes love so special. How we connect with people can be more intentional and hopefully impactful as we work to share love and care about others better.

We can choose to love others first, now, always, and forever.

Loving others first means choosing to love people because that is the person we choose to be, someone who shows love. This can be really hard to put into action as it requires a lot of self-sacrifice. It doesn’t mean that we as a person don’t matter, it does mean that we are willing to put others first and care because we can.

Loving others now are the actions we take to show love in the moment. Our words speak volumes, our actions speak intentions, when paired together it creates a clearer picture of who we are and what we attempt to represent. How we show love in the moment through our words and actions impacts people and situations.

Loving others always is about a continuous commitment to showing love. Dealing with and responding to situations in life through actions of love is part of loving others better. Life experiences and interpersonal relationships vary from person to person. Responses of love impact. Sometimes instantly and sometimes over time.

Love Forever is a commitment to, working toward, loving others unconditionally. The love we share with others is a personal legacy that keeps giving to others long after the moment shared has ended.

Recently someone reached out to me and shared a childhood memory I had long forgotten. This person wanted me to know that my words encouraged and nurtured. We will never know all the ways we have impacted other people’s lives but the love we show may connect us forever.

How we communicate love creates memories. Memories, of love shared, last.

To learn more about intentionally loving first, now, always, and forever purchase the book LOVE FOREVER at a special rate of $10 until 12/1 through our website or directly on

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